The Competition BIG picture
Realistic selling activities to create an event worth competing in!
A fun and fair competition where the focus is on development and learning
Each competitor will receive coaching and feedback to enhance learning
No registration cost, free curriculum, and great prizes!
A great university-style experience for all your students
2 Rounds:
Video Round
Championship Round
Personal Pitch Basics:
90 seconds maximum
Sell yourself as a person worthy of an interview with Crystal Mountain Resort for a customer facing position such as server, a ski rental assistant, or the front desk at the fitness center (most positions at CMR face the customer!).
Use your experiences at school, in sports, with volunteer organizations, or jobs you have had to help you make your case!
That’s it…. Be creative and professional and deliver it like a champion!
2 Rounds:
Phone Call
Championship Round
Sales Role-Play Basics
Mimics a set of real interactions (phone calls & meetings!)
You, representing Crystal Mountain Resort will be calling upon an executive board member of the Michigan Marketing Educators (MME) organization to potentially sell them on having their next meeting at Crystal Mountain Resort.
Round #1 is an appointment setting phone call made to a WMU student playing the role of the MME rep.
The Championship Round involves making a full sales call where you understand, connect, and close.
Judging will be based on the curriculum distributed by the Sales Faculty at Western Michigan University.